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Domain Whois Lookup

Use Domain Whois Checker to find available domains!

WHOIS Domain Lookup

Find out who owns a website.

Why Whois ?


Check a domain name's availability

If you want to know the availability of a domain name, simply type the name into GoDaddy's WHOIS search field and we'll let you know if the domain is available, or not.


Find a domain owner

Whether you want to buy a domain or learn who owns it, use our WHOIS search field. Enter the domain name and you'll get key info, including availability, ownership, creation, and expiration.


Learn when a domain will expire

If you want to buy a domain, knowing when it expires is helpful. As the date approaches the owner may want to sell, or better yet, let it expire — and you're right there to scoop it up.

About TinyAniz WHOIS Search

What we can do for you.

TinyAniz WHOIS search is designed to help you by diving into the WHOIS database for information on domain registration and availability. It'll also provide you the owner, administrator and contact information, as well as other important information.

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WordPress installs
Monthly visits
SSD storage
10 GB
20 GB
30 GB
40 GB
Free CDN
50 GB
60 GB
70 GB
80 GB
Google Cloud Platform
Multisite support
Backup retention
14 days
14 days
14 days
14 days
SSH access

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some frequently asked questions about hosting:

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is a service provided by companies (the web host) that sell or lease space on a server where you store the files that make your website accessible on the internet. These companies typically require that you own a domain, and they may help you purchase one.

How does web hosting work?

Once you purchase a Web hosting plan, we store your site on our servers and assign it a unique DNS. The DNS is the address that allows people around the world to access your website. This unique address is required in order for people to view your site.

What is shared hosting?

Shared hosting is a popular hosting option where a provider hosts multiple websites on one physical web server. Typically, most websites don't use many server resources, so shared hosting.

How do I transfer my web pages to your server?

If you’ve built your website in a HTML editor (like Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression Studio), upload your website files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). We have a built-in FTP File Manager for you to access in our Hosting Control Center.

What is PCI compliance?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS or PCI for short) designates security standards to protect cardholders’ credit card data. That means, entities that store, process or transmit credit card information are expected to be compliant to the standards in the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.

How can I accept credit cards online?

Our hosting services are a great place to setup your online presence and product catalog. You can then work with a third-party provider to process payments.

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If you are not happy with our services for whatever reason, we’ll refund your payment. No hassle, no risk.

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